Beacon Day Treatment Center

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Principal's Welcome Letter

Hello and welcome to Beacon-

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Jennifer Hill and I am honored to be the principal of Beacon. This is my 8th year as principal of Beacon and I am excited to continue our journey with Lincoln Park Public Schools. Prior to coming to Beacon, I have had a number of different experiences. I taught Special Education for 7 years, served 8 years as a high school assistant principal and 6 years as a middle school assistant principal. During my time as a teacher, I coached volleyball and competitive cheerleading and currently am an assistant coach for an equestrian team. 

Beacon is a program that services K-12 students with Emotional Impairments. We currently serve the Downriver Region for Wayne County. At Beacon, our mission is to support every student to achieve their highest potential. We focus on our students' social emotional health while giving them the tools to be successful in any setting. Our goal is to help our students pack their emotional toolboxes with many techniques they can use in any setting. Once our students are thriving with their social emotional health, we strive to transition back to their home districts where they can flourish among their peers. 

Our staff is full of dedicated professionals to help our students in all settings - both emotionally and academically. Our staff form positive relationships with our students, and we hope they feel we are part of their toolbox. It is our hope that each and every one of our students is able to return to their home district and experience all the wonderful events that come with being a part of a community - however until then we will continue to welcome them into our community. 

Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us.


Jennifer Hill
Principal, Beacon